10 College Women Who Should Consider Coaching Wrestling
10 College Women Who Should Consider Coaching Wrestling
Who will lead the next generation of women's wrestlers? Here are 10 current college athletes who should think about coaching.

What does it take to be a good wrestling coach? There are several current women's college wrestlers who have what it takes to lead a team.
Texas Woman's coach Randi Miller, a 2008 Olympic bronze medalist, offered her insights on what makes a good coach.
"As a women's wrestling coach, you'll have to be an advocate for your program and for the sport," Miller said. "Going from wrestling to coaching means you'll have to go from being selfish to selfless.
"I also think it's important to be the best wrestler in the room and the worst wrestler in the room at some point so you understand both sides. When you are the best wrestler, were you inclusive or did you exclude people? That's important to consider as you think about coaching after college."

Current Texas Woman's University coach Randi Miller has coached at numerous international events, including the 2022 World Cup in Coralville, Iowa
Wrestle Like A Girl and D1 Women's Wrestling are hosting a female coaches zoom series on May 9-11 for anyone interested in coaching as a career path.
Contact Tela O'Donnell at tela@wrestlelikeagirl.org about signing up.
May 9: Exploring Coaching as a Career
May 10: The Art of Coaching: Honing and Growing
May 11: Careers in Wrestling Beyond Coaching

Below is a list of 10, but there are others who should consider coaching as a career path. Be sure to sign up for the above seminar if you are interested.
Emily Cue, Simon Fraser

Simon Fraser coach Justin Abdou on Cue: "I was impressed when I met Emily during her recruiting trip, but I had no idea what a gem she was. She is intelligent, hard-working, and incredibly selfless. She doesn't complain, she just trains.
"Her teammates love her and respect her. Last year, she was the lone junior on a team full of world-class seniors. This year, she is the lone senior on a young squad. She has led them in every way possible. She's incredibly positive, and that is infectious. She is a great person. I put that bug in her ear about coaching over Christmas. She would definitely be a natural."
Riley Dalrymple, Life

Life coach Ashley Flavin on Dalrymple: "Being a good coach requires the ability to grow and adapt, a desire to learn, and a love and understanding of the sport. Riley has all of those things. In addition, Riley has seen a lot of adversity during her career. She has faced many setbacks and has had to find a way to come back stronger.
"Facing these hardships not only prepares her for the ups and downs of the coaching world, but also will give her insight and empathy into the struggles of her athletes, and allow her to identify with them and help them overcome adversity."
Maya Davis, Grand View

Grand View coach Angelo Crinzi on Davis: "Maya has made it a goal to be a coach after she is done wrestling. She consistently volunteers her time to help local clubs and come up with practice plans. She loves to give back to the sport and is helping shape young girls into becoming champions. She also plans to be a referee when the college season is over."
Marlynne Deede, Augsburg

Augsburg coach Jake Short on Deede: “To be a great coach at the next level, you need to be able to develop relationships, bring positive energy, keep your mind open to new ideas, and continue to develop. I’ve watched Marlynne come into a leadership role and be a staple for her teammates to look up to. She is outgoing and keeps things light, but extremely focused. She has a great balance between the two.
"She is willing to try anything you throw her way and adapt. Whether it sticks or not, she embraces the idea of learning the sport. These are the tools that will make her a phenomenal coach at the next level."
Jaslynn Gallegos, North Central

North Central coach Joe Norton: "Jaslynn will make a fantastic wrestling coach someday. She’s just like us! She will research a position, study it, ask questions, and spend time in it until she masters it.
"She understands what hard work is, but also understands the value of recovery and taking care of your body. She is smart and well-spoken, and people gravitate toward her because she’s high-energy and always brings a good attitude."
Ainslie Lane, Presbyterian

Presbyterian coach Brian Vutianitis on Lane: "Ainslie has three traits that will translate well into coaching: enthusiasm, communication, and persistence. These three things are extremely important pieces of coaching and a great starting point for young people who may be directing themselves toward the coaching world. All these things paired with the right mentor and culture will bring out the best in her."
Jennesis Martinez, Colorado Mesa

Colorado Mesa coach Travis Mercado on Martinez: "Jennesis is great at articulating skills and technique during clinics and camps. She draws a lot of attention when she speaks in practice and in team meetings."
Maddie Sandquist, Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart coach Paulina Biega: "If Maddie ever decides to coach, I believe she would make a good candidate for a position because she has a great set of technical skills but, most importantly, she is passionate about wrestling. She is a true student of the sport. I hope she can spread her love and knowledge to future generations so they can fall in love with wrestling. She would deeply care about her athletes and do whatever she can to help them on and off the mat."
Samantha Snow, Indiana Tech

Indiana Tech coach Paul Rademacher on Snow: "Samantha Snow would make an excellent coach because she is a great leader (she is also part of the Army ROTC here at Indiana Tech which gives her some great leadership training). She does a great job of relating with the athletes she works with (I watched her work very closely with about eight athletes from Team Indiana last year at Fargo and Junior Duals and those athletes are still close with her now).
"Sam also does a great job of relating her personal experience to the experience of the athletes she works with. Another key is that she asks really good questions and thinks about more than just the superficial part of coaching, but all of the dynamics of what it will be to be a great coach in her future."
Angie Vitiritti, Campbellsville

Campbellsville coach Lee Miracle: "Angie will make a great college coach someday. Her attention to detail and fondness for technical wrestling shines through. Throw in the fact that she cares about her athletes on and off the mat and you can see why she has been a successful coach early on.
"She just coached our local Taylor County High School to a team state championship. We are pleased to announce that she will continue building her coaching resume by being a graduate assistant for us at Campbellsville next year. She is an incredible young woman with a tremendous future in coaching."