Who's #1 Adds Mia Palumbo vs Sage Mortimer
Who's #1 Adds Mia Palumbo vs Sage Mortimer
FloWrestling has added a match between Mia Palumbo and Sage Mortimer to Who's #1 star-studded slate.

Who's #1 continues to add to its star-studded slate. The most recent addition is a match between Mia Palumbo and Sage Mortimer, to be contested at 112 pounds.
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Palumbo and Mortimer are both ranked #1 in the most recent set of national high school rankings. Both have since moved up to a new weight class for their senior seasons and will wrestle with the #1 ranking at 112 pounds on the line.
Both wrestlers did serious damage in Fargo. Mia was a double 16U and Junior National champ in 2018. Sage took home two stop signs in 2019. She also won a 16U title in 2018 and was runner-up that same year in the Junior division.
Watch Mortimer's first-period pin in the Junior finals of 2019:
Watch Palumbo's dominant tech-fall win in the 16U finals of 2018:
Two of the most decorated women's wrestlers in high school are headed to Austin for a showdown. Palumbo and Mortimer will decide Who's #1.