Big Ten

Match Notes: Michigan and Ohio State Comes Down To Final Match

Match Notes: Michigan and Ohio State Comes Down To Final Match

The full detailed match notes of an epic dual between #2 Michigan and #8 Ohio State.

Feb 12, 2021
Match Notes: Michigan and Ohio State Comes Down To Final Match
An epic dual between #2 Michigan and #8 Ohio State came down to the final match, which of course went into the second tiebreakers. See how it all unfolded below.

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An epic dual between #2 Michigan and #8 Ohio State came down to the final match, which of course went into the second tiebreakers. See how it all unfolded below.

165: #18 Cameron Amine (Michigan) vs #8 Ethan Smith (Ohio State)

1st period: Halfway through the first period. Ethan Smith gets to the leg of Amine, but Amine fights it off. With 50 seconds left in the period, Amine is warned for stalling. Amine fakes and Smith drops in on a single leg. Smith elevates the leg up to his armpit from standing and trips Amine to his butt, coming extremely close to scoring, but Amine is somehow able to get the far leg back and fight it off as time expires. Now Ohio State head coach Tom Ryan is calling for a challenge. The call on the mat is confirmed, no takedown and Ohio State is out of challenges for the dual.

2nd period: Amine starts down and escapes immediately. Once again Amine fakes and Smith nicely drops down on a single leg, but Amine gets his leg back without giving up a score. Smith continues to shoot, but can't get past the head hands defense of Amine. 1-0 Smith.

3rd period: Smith starts down. Smith sits out and then gets to his feet for the fast escape. Amine quickly shoots a low single leg and finishes across the body with a double. Smith answers right away with an escape. Smith shoots a low single of his own off a restart and takes the lead with 30 seconds to go. Ethan Smith holds on and gets the Ride out despite two restarts to win 4-3

Ohio State: 3 Michigan: 0

174: #2 Logan Massa (Michigan) vs Fritz Schierl (Ohio State)

Unfortunately, we are deprived of the top-five matchup we were hoping for.

1st period: Early single leg for Massa and he finishes to get on the board first. Schierl escapes, but Massa gets back to another single leg and is once again on top. Schierl escapes with 40 seconds to go. Another lefty single for Massa and another takedown. 6-2 Massa.

2nd period: Schierl starts down. Massa slips the left leg in. Schierl tries to gramby out of it, but Massa is able to catch a figure-four turk for four back points. The ref finally puts Schierl out of his misery from that position with a potentially dangerous with 30 seconds to go. 10-2 Massa.

3rd period: Massa starts down and escapes 10 seconds in. Massa shoots another lefty single and climbs up to the body, Schierl tries to lock up over hooks and throw, but Massa secures the takedown. And a ride out for Massa gives him the major, 14-2.

Michigan: 4 Ohio State: 3

184: Jelani Embree (Michigan) vs #13 Rocky Jordan (Ohio State)

1st period: Rocky Jordan gets on the board first after a long scramble. Great cross wrist tilt from Jordan and he extends his lead to 6 with 1 minute to go. Good first period for Jordan as he rides out Embree.

2nd period: Embree starts down. Jordan riding really tough. Embree called for staling 1 minute in and right after Jordan gets a bar arm tilt for four points. Embree hit for stalling again with 15 seconds to go making the score 11-0.

3rd period: Jordan picks top. Jordan breaks Embree flat and keeps him there for a minute until Embree is hit for stalling for the third time. Rocky Jordan not able to get the tech fall but he does get a dominant 13-0 major.

Ohio State: 7 Michigan: 4

197: #1 (184) Myles Amine (Michigan) vs #25 Gavin Hoffman (Ohio State)

1st period: Lefty single early from Amine, Hoffman dives under, the two work to a stalemate. Another lefty single for Amine. He puts Hoffman in danger before getting the takedown. Amine sits back and picks up a quick two back points as well. Hoffman escapes. Another lefty single for Amine, but Hoffman locks in the crotch and is able to get his hips on top and get a takedown of his own. Amine escapes with 24 seconds to go. 5-3 Amine Hoffman with 9 seconds of riding time.

2nd period: Hoffman chooses bottom. Hoffman escapes in 7 seconds. Good shot from Amine, but great defense from Hoffman. I thought a stalemate was going to be called, but Amine is able to methodically work out the back and score the takedown. Hoffman immediately escapes. 7-5 Amine with 8 seconds of riding time.

3rd period: Amine starts down. Escape in 10 seconds for Myles. Yet another lefty single from Amine, but Hoffman is able to hold on for a stalemate. I also noticed that Amine has his thumb taped to his hand/fingers on his right hand, so he's basically wrestling without a thumb on that hand. 25 seconds to go and now Hoffman has to be thinking feet to back. Amine wisely drops in on a leg of Hoffman and holds on to win by decision.

Ohio State: 7 Michigan: 7

285: #2 Mason Parris (Michigan) vs #15 Tate Orndorff (Ohio State)

1st period: Go behind takedown 30 seconds in for Mason Parris. Now with a little over a minute to go in the period Orndorff is hit for stalling. And that's how the period ends. Orndorff spent 2:30 on his stomach that period.

2nd period: Parris starts down. Parris stands to his feet. He doesn't escape, but Orndorff is hit for stalling so a point for Parris. The two restart and Parris immediately escapes. Parris quickly gets to a shot and scores with ease. Orndorff gets to his feet this time and escapes. Orndorff takes a shot, but Parris scores with a go behind and cuts Orndorff with less than 40 seconds to go. He almost immediately shoots and scores and then transitions nicely to a turk for four more.14-2 Parris with over 3 minutes of riding time.

3rd period: Orndorff starts down. He cuts Orndorff, shoots a double, and scores. Once again Parris cuts Orndorff, shoots a double and scores. Orndorff attempts a shot, but Mason scores a go behind and picks up the tech fall.

Michigan: 12 Ohio State: 7

Intermission time.

125: Kurt McHenry (Michigan) vs #12 Malik Heinselman (Ohio State)

Looks like McHenry in place for Ragusin tonight.

1st period: Low ankle shot for Heinselman. The two scramble for a bit before Heinselman stands up as McHenry locks around the body and potentially dangerous is called. McHenry kind of limps back to the center. Heinselman gets to a high crotch off of a heavy snap from McHenry and this time finishes for the takedown with 20 seconds to go. 2-0 Heinselman.

2nd period: Heinselman chooses bottom. Quick stand up and escape from Heinselman. Both wrestlers fire off a couple of shots, but neither able to get past the head hands defense of the other. 3-0 Heinselman.

3rd period: McHenry starts down. Heinselman tries to put a leg in, but McHenry swims out and gets the escape. McHenry pressures Heinselman the last 45 seconds, but once again can't get past the head hands for a solid attack and Heinselman wins 3-1.

Michigan: 12 Ohio State: 10

133: Jack Medley (Michigan) vs Jordan Decatur (Ohio State)

1st period: 1 minute in and still no score. Single leg from Medley. Medley tries to slip his head under Decatur's leg as Decatur locks in the crotch and a stalemate is called. Decatur spends the last 35 seconds in a front headlock position, but can't score, so still 0-0.

2nd period: Medley starts down and escapes 10 seconds in. Nice little outside carry/dump for Medley and he scores the first takedown. After Medley rides for 35 seconds a nice change over switch from Decatur for a reversal. 3-2 Medley.

2nd period: Decatur starts down. Decatur gets to his feet and escapes 20 seconds in. Now tied at 3. Low single from Medley and after about 20 seconds of working gets the takedown. Another switch from Decatur and he spends the last 30 seconds on the leg of Medley but only gets an escape. 6-4 Medley with riding time.

Michigan: 15 Ohio State: 10

141: Drew Mattin (Michigan) vs Dylan D'Emilio (Ohio State)

1st period: Nice fireman's carry for Drew Mattin. He gets a one count, but D'Emilio able to get off of his back before giving up near fall. D'Emilio escapes with a little over a minute left in the period. 2-1 Mattin with 21 seconds of riding time.

2nd period: Mattin starts down and escapes with a standup quickly. Nice high crotch from D'Emilio and he ties things up at three with a takedown. The two go out of bounds with 17 seconds to go and Mattin escapes off of the restart. 4-3 Mattin.

3rd period: D'Emilio starts down. He escapes and things are tied up again. Beautiful double leg from D'Emilio and he now leads 6-4. Mattin escapes with one minute to go. Mattin can't put a shot together and D'Emilio wins 6-5.

Michigan: 15 Ohio State: 13

149: #8 Kanen Storr (Michigan) vs #1 Sammy Sasso (Ohio State)

1st period: Halfway through the first period. Nothing so far, but a lot of hand fighting. Low single from Storr. It looks like Storr was about to score, but Sasso throws in a whizzer and is able to get the leg himself, but the two go out of bounds, no score. Single leg from Sasso, pops his head out and switches off to a double to get on the board first with 20 seconds to go. 2-0 Sasso.

2nd period: Sasso starts down. Sasso stands and escapes right off of the whistle. Another low single from Sammy. He starts to come out the back door and does. Big takedown for Sasso with less than 10 seconds to go in the period. 5-0 Sasso.

3rd period: Storr chooses bottom. Sasso gets his right leg in. Sasso surpasses the one minute mark with over a minute to in the match. The two restart with 44 seconds left and Sasso tries to cradle Storr, but Storr defends and escapes. Shot from Sasso, reshot from Storr, but a re-re-shot from Sasso makes the score 7-1. Sasso wins 8-1 with riding time and puts Ohio State in the lead with one match to go.

Ohio State: 16 Michigan: 15

157: #8 Will Lewan (Michigan) vs Elijah Cleary (Ohio State)

1st period: 1 minute in and still no score. Single leg from Cleary on the edge, but Lewan works to a stalemate with a closed shin whizzer. Lewan pressures Cleary on the edge and Cleary nicely changes his level and comes very close to taking Lewan down, but Lewan slips in a whizzer at the last second. Scoreless first period.

2nd period: Cleary starts down. Sit out and escape four seconds in. Lewan with way outside low single. Cleary hangs over top and grabs ankles until a stalemate is called. 20 seconds to go and that shot from Lewan has been the only legit shot of the period. 1-0 Cleary.

3rd period: Lewan chooses bottom and escapes 11 seconds in, tying things at 1. Single leg from Cleary, but a good sprawl from Cleary. Stalemate. Once again, that was the only legit shot of the period and we're going to overtime tied at one.

SV: Two shots from Lewan. He doesn't score, but Cleary is called for stalling. Single leg from Lewan on the edge, but a good spawl from Cleary sends us to tiebreakers.

TB1: Lewan starts down and escapes 5 seconds in. Lewan takes Cleary to the edge from the over-under position and drives him out of bounds. A possible scenario for stalling to be called, but the official says action. 

TB2: Cleary down now. Cleary tries a standing gramby, but Lewan follows and they go out of bounds. Cleary stands up off the restart and switches, almost reversing Lewan, but Cleary only able to get the escape with a couple of seconds left. 

SV2: Lewan called for stalling for interlocking fingers. Single leg form Lewan, but Cleary wrestles out of it. Lewan has 22 seconds of riding time.

TB1: Cleary down. Cleary stands up and hits a standing gramby. He gets to the leg of Lewan and hangs on until there was five seconds left before Lewan kicks out. ONly and escape for Cleary. Lewan has 47 seconds of riding time.

TB2: Cleary tries to cradle off of the whistle. Cleary needs a takedown to win. Cleary is unable to get past the head hands defense of Lewan. He wins on riding time.

FINAL: Michigan 18 Ohio State: 16